Professional Site Surveys

Free Site Surveys are provided as well as a professional quote or equipment and wiring recommendations.

Our site surveys are completed by professionals who will look at your current situation and provide recommendations for equipment installation, cabling needs and any projects you have in mind regarding your voice and data needs.

Our survey experts will discuss your needs and requirements before doing the walk thru. We will need a clear understanding of what your objectives are before we begin. A floor plan or building diagram will help the process start smoothly. After going over your diagrams and getting an idea of what you’re trying to accomplish, our surveyors will complete the walk thru and verify that the diagrams are accurate and note any issues they come across. Our surveyors will determine if electrical permits are necessary. We will work with you to ensure all proper permits are obtained quickly and before work begins.

We will then go over your plans with you, make any recommendations and discuss how to proceed to complete the scope of work designated.

Companies we serve

Small-Medium and large businesses will benefit from our consulting services.

Commercial – Consumer, Energy & Utilities, Financial Services, Healthcare, Media, Retail, Technology, Telecommunications, Transportation, and Hospitality.

Federal – Civilian Agencies, Defense, and Intelligence

State and Local

Non Profit